OK1KHQ 432 MHz
Locator: JO70UK QTH: Zvicina Category: 4

VKV PA 2004/09

First operator's name and call: JAROSLAV MEDUNA, OK1DUO
Address for correspondence: CRC, POB 69, 113 27 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Second operator calls: FILIP,JINDRA,MARTIN,OK1CID,OK1TDS
Contest QTH: Zvicina
Height A.S.L.: 671 m
Transceiver: IC910
TX power: 70 W
Antenna: 2xDL6WU

Number of QSO: 41 Average 161.4 km/QSO Best DX Call: 9A2SB Best DX: 1170 km

Countries worked:
37xOK, 1x9A, 1xDL, 1xHG, 1xOM

Total sum of points:  
6 617

I declare that I have observed the contest rules as well as the licensing rules and that the above data are correct to the best of my belief.
I accept the rulling of the contest commitee as a final.

Date: 20040919 First operator's signature: ............................................

VKV PA 2004/09 432 MHz OK1KHQ

2004091908:02OK1ES59 001 59 001 JO70CE 110 
08:12OK1UYR59 002 59 004 JN79KT 91 
08:13OK1AFA59 003 55004 JO70FI 89 
08:14OK1ANA59 004 59 004 JO70VE 28 
08:14OK1KHA59 005 59 007 JO80CI 37 
08:16OK1VJN59 006 59 007 JN79XT 72 
08:16OK1KHB59 007 59 006 JN79TN 97 
08:17OK1ADT59 008 59 002 JO70VA 47 
08:24OK1VAM59 009 59 013 JN79IX 87 
08:25OK2VZE59 010 59 007 JN89JM 128 
08:27OK1AGS59 011 59 011 JO70BO 113 
08:27OK1DSO59 012 59 004 JO70DC 107 
08:29OK1CD59 013 59 011 JO70GC 91 
08:31OK1DWP/P59 014 59 009 JO70IC 80 
08:33OK1IEI59 015 59 010 JO70EC 102 
08:34OK1VSQ59 016 59 008 JO70EB 104 
08:39OK1FHA59 017 59 023 JO70LA 71 
08:39OK1HJ59 018 59 020 JN79IW 90 
08:44OK1SRD59 019 59 003 JO80AM 25 
08:47OK1KDO59 020 59 007 JN69JJ 239 
08:50OK1KCY/P59 021 59 005 JN69RG 207 
08:55OK1DEU59 022 59 002 JO60DD 245 
09:07OK1OX59 023 59 013 JO70KF 63 
09:31OK1KZE59 024 59 060 JN79FX 102 
09:34OK2UDE 59 025 59 035 JN89JS 107 
09:36OK1UDJ 59 026 59 022 JO60KI 201 
09:37OK1WB 59 027 59 042 JO80DG 45 
09:38OK2ZT 59 028 59 061 JN89BO 97 
09:39OK2UYU 59 029 59 044 JO80OB 114 
09:44OK1ULL 59 030 59 041 JN79US 74 
09:45OK2BDS 59 031 59 014 JN79WF 135 
09:47OK1AI 59 032 59 003 JN79XU 67 
09:48OK1ULE 59 033 59 002 JO60KI 201 
09:51OK1VLG 59 034 59 006 JO70TK 6 
09:52OK1UOW 59 035 59 001 JO80CA 58 
09:53OK1TY 59 036 59 004 JO70DG 102 
10:049A2SB599 037 599 009 JN95GM1170ODX
10:08OK1DOZ59 038 59 001 JN79XV 63 
10:13HA2ML599 039 599 004 JN97EO 740 
10:14OM3CQF599 040 599 028 JN88RT 440 
10:22OK1SRD599 041 599 005 JO80AM0 Dupe
10:26DL7ANR599 042 559007 JO62PM 572 

Contest log Atalanta Locator ver. 12.16 by OK1DUO