OK1KHQ 432
Locator: JN89IW QTH: Lazek Category: 4

Velikonocni zavod mladeze 2004

First operator's name and call: JAROSLAV MEDUNA, OK1DUO
Address for correspondence: CRC, POB 69, 113 27 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Second operator calls: JINDRA,MARTIN,OK1CID,OK1CIT,OK1CLD
Contest QTH: Lazek
Height A.S.L.: 714 m
Transceiver: IC910
TX power: 70 W
Antenna: DL6WU, 19el.

Number of QSO: 7 Average 81.7 km/QSO Best DX Call: OK1UJQ Best DX: 156 km

Countries worked:
6xOK, 1xOM

Total sum of points:  

I declare that I have observed the contest rules as well as the licensing rules and that the above data are correct to the best of my belief.
I accept the rulling of the contest commitee as a final.

Date: 20040411 First operator's signature: ............................................

Velikonocni zavod mladeze 2004 432 OK1KHQ

2004041113:06OK1UJQ 59 001 59 004 JO70GC 156ODX
13:25OK1KKL 59 002 59 008 JO70PO 125 
13:29OK1WB 59 003 59 003 JO70WE 66 
13:32OK1UGP 59 004 59 002 JO80CA 37 
13:35OK1OHK 59 005 59 004 JO80EH 48 
13:37OK1FFG 59 006 59 002 JN89HW 6 
13:38OM6SZ 59 007 59 005 JN99EJ 134 

Contest log Atalanta Locator ver. 12.16 BETA by OK1DUO