OK1KHQ 432 MHz
Locator: JN89BW QTH: Libecina Category: multi

Velikonocni zavod mladeze

First operator's name and call: JAROSLAV MEDUNA, OK1DUO
Address for correspondence: Topolova 1750, 56501 Chocen
Contest QTH: Libecina
Height A.S.L.: 470 m
Transceiver: IC910
Antenna: 2xDL6WU

Number of QSO: 14 Average 94.1 km/QSO Best DX Call: OK1KVK Best DX: 243 km

Countries worked:
13xOK, 1xSP

Total sum of points:  
1 318

I declare that I have observed the contest rules as well as the licensing rules and that the above data are correct to the best of my belief.
I accept the rulling of the contest commitee as a final.

Date: 20030420 First operator's signature: ............................................

Velikonocni zavod mladeze 432 MHz OK1KHQ

2003042013:04OK2ZT 59 001 59 002 JN89BO 37 
13:06OK1AIG 59 002 59 001 JO70NN 99 
13:08SP9COO 59 003 55004 JO90GA 173 
13:09OK2XID 59 004 59 001 JN99AJ 150 
13:14OK1TEH 59 005 59 002 JO70FD 121 
13:18OK1OHK 59 006 59 006 JO70PO 95 
13:19OK1UDJ 59 007 59 003 JO70GG 119 
13:23OK1IEI 59 008 59 002 JO70EC 126 
13:29OK1KVK 59 009 59 002 JO60JJ 243ODX
13:35OK1KOK 59 010 59 011 JO80IB 44 
13:41OK1UGA 59 011 59 001 JO80DD 26 
13:44OK1ULL 59 012 59 001 JN79US 35 
13:47OK1WB 59 013 59 001 JO80DG 39 
13:49OK1KQW 59 014 59 001 JO80CA 11 

Contest log Atalanta Locator ver. 12.13 by OK1DUO