OK1KHQ 1296 MHz
Locator: JO80BJ QTH: Kramolna Category: 6


First operator's name and call: JAROSLAV MEDUNA, OK1DUO
Address for correspondence: CRC, POB 69, 113 27 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Second operator calls: OK1CLD,OK1-35946,OK1-35949,OK1-35955
Contest QTH: Kramolna
Height A.S.L.: 460 m
Transceiver: IC910
TX power: 10 W
Antenna: 21el. F9FT

Number of QSO: 40 Average 157.2 km/QSO Best DX Call: DK5PD Best DX: 596 km

Countries worked:
31xOK, 6xDL, 2xOM, 1xOE

Total sum of points:  
6 288

I declare that I have observed the contest rules as well as the licensing rules and that the above data are correct to the best of my belief.
I accept the rulling of the contest commitee as a final.

Date: 20031004 First operator's signature: ............................................


2003100414:04OK1OTS 59 001 59 001 JO70NJ 71 
14:05OK1DSO 59 002 59 002 JO70DC 134 
14:30OK1IA 59 003 59 011 JN79NU 93 
14:32OK1KRY 59 004 59 005 JN69SU 194 
14:40OE3XUA 59 005 59 011 JN77XX 269 
14:53OK5Z 59 006 59 020 JN89AK 107 
14:59OK2KYC 59 007 55021 JN99BM 173 
15:31OK1KZE 59 008 59 023 JN79FX 127 
15:33OK1KPA 59 009 59 028 JN79US 76 
16:02DK0NA 59 010 53020 JO50TI 319 
16:17OK1OFG/P 59 011 59 037 JO80KE 58 
16:18OK1ES/P 59 012 59 022 JO70UR 47 
16:25OL4A 59 013 57063 JO60RN 189 
16:28OL2R 59 014 59 038 JN89BO 88 
16:31OK1KIK 59 015 59 023 JO70TQ 48 
16:46OM0C599 016 559005 JN99PG 259 
17:20OK1KKD 59 017 59 015 JO60WD 162 
17:23DF0MTL 59 018 55044 JO60LK 224 
18:17OK1VEI 59 019 59 026 JN79CX 144 
20:10OK1KKL 59 020 59 026 JO70PO 63 
20:34OM3KEE599 021 559058 JN88UU 206 
20:41OL1F 59 022 59 062 JO70CG 137 
20:47OK1VVM 59 023 59 025 JO60WR 163 
20:55OK1MDK599 024 599024 JN79NU 93 
21:02DK0OG599 025 559030 JN68GI 344 
21:13DL0ON599 026 559 037 JO50VF 308 
21:41DF0YY559 027 519037 JO62GD 316 
22:08OK1UEI 59 028 59 024 JO70SS 59 
22:31OK2TT559 029 559037 JO80OB 85 
23:39OK1KLL599 030 599 044 JN79IW 113 
2003100500:22OK1AIY/P 59 031 55017 JO70SQ 52 
01:08OK1KIR599 032 599 080 JO60PM 201 
01:24OK2JI599 033 519055 JN89MW 83 
06:01OK2UUJ 59 034 59 032 JO80NB 80 
08:24OK1AWJ 59 035 59 024 JO70EC 129 
09:03OK1EM 59 036 59 026 JO60XS 158 
09:15OK1VAW 59 037 55016 JO70GC 117 
10:16OK2KJT599 038 559051 JN99AJ 177 
11:41OK1WCF 59 039 59 001 JO70WN 26 
11:49DK5PD599 040 539075 JN39VV 596ODX

Contest log Atalanta Locator ver. 12.14 by OK1DUO